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  • Transhumances Musicales

Tour life: what's it really like?

Updated: Jul 26, 2019

Audiences applauding, the musicians bowing to recieve the acclaim... Most people are familiar with musicans' life on stage. But what is it actually like to be touring? Is it as glamorous it as it might seem?

Transhumances Musicales was sparked by the idea of a rare piano moving from Gascony to Copenhagen. A piano is a heavy travel companion, and touring with one includes the hard work of moving the instrument and putting it on the stage. It is usually an intense moment of team work and perfect coordination!

Before the concert the piano needs tuning. The wooden instruments that we are playing are all very receptive of changes in temperature and humidty. As a result, touring can be a constant worry if the instrument is going to stay in tune throughout the whole concert.

Once we are all set on the stage, there is the phase of getting used to the acoustics of a room. No two acoustics are alike, some are dry, others resonate. Chamber music depends on the musicians listening carefully to the other players, but depending on the acoustics, this can be extremely difficult.

By now, you'll perhaps be thinking: this sounds like hard work! All work and no fun.

Is that the truth?

I'm getting to the good parts...

When we arrive at a concert venue, the concert has been prepared by people on the spot for a long time. They have been looking forward to it, and they are keen that the muscians feel welcome. We have met the most remarquarble people touring with music: they open not just the concert hall but their homes and their hearts to the touring musicians. These meetings can be extraordinary.

Not to mention the sheer joy of playing your favorite music with some of your friends!

Sometimes during a concert, magical moments occur. When the whole band is breathing together, with small nods and signs subtly making their musical intentions known to their collegues.

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